LDN A Personal Experience - Linda Elsegood of The LDN Research Trust, European LDN Conference 2009, Glasgow.
Linda has had MS for 20 yrs. Has been on LDN 5.5 yrs.
Today she appears totally symptom free.
Before LDN she has very limited mobility, cognitive issues in communicating and severe muscular problems.
In December 2003 she started taking LDN
She saw a dramatic improvement in 3 weeks - fatigue, sight, bladder - all improved.
Subsequently Linda set-up The LDN Research Trust (LDNRC) as a charity.
All work is voluntary work, just the running costs are paid from donations.
So far they have raised £22K towards a clinical trial in the UK.
LDNRC's aim - Get LDN on the UK NHS for everyone.
There are 4200+ registered LDN users with the LDNRC.
3000 are in the UK
90% have MS, others have Crohn's, ME, Parkinson's, Cancer and various other conditions.
Citizens of the US and other countries are welcome to register
Linda's current condition - She finds that getting an infection or virus brings on her MS symptoms (NOTE - Some people say they don't get infections or viruses at all while on LDN). But she finds the symptoms subside once the infection or virus is gone.
Linda thanked the following two individuals in particular for her recovery with LDN -
Dr Bob Lawrence - Who introduced LDN to UK
Dr Tom Gilhooly - For his efforts to bring about a clinical trial in the UK.
Further reading :
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