Monday, 21 December 2009

UK Government Response to the LDN Now 13,000 Signature NHS Low Dose Naltrexone Trial Petition to Gordon Brown, UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown

Link -

Text -

All drugs need to be thoroughly tested to make sure they are safe enough to be made available to patients. Most research of this kind is done by the pharmaceutical industry. The Government is aware that occasionally there will be few or no commercial incentives for companies to fund clinical trials.

The Department of Health’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) supports the research most likely to bring benefits to patients and to the NHS. High quality proposals for support into any aspect of human health are always welcome. The NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme in particular is keen to receive suggestions for research topics in areas of market failure. These can be sent through the open access form at:

To date, no application has been received regarding low dose naltrexone. Any application would be considered on its merits.


Author's Note - There is reason to suspect the sbove is not factually correct and that one application has been made. More news to follow later.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Audit Scotland Warns of Pressures on the NHS Scotland Budget - Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Savings Cannot Be Ignored

And so it goes on, yet another reason why the 4000%+ higher price of currently used auto-immune and cancer treatments vs Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) cannot be ignored any longer. The potential billions of pounds in savings here make the millions required for LDN clinical trials a sound investment for the NHS in Scotland and the UK as a whole.

UK Telegraph - NICE Propose to Restrict Key IBD Treatments to One Year on Grounds of Cost

Yet more justification, if any were needed that the UK NHS needs to seriously look into widespread use of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) as a low cost treatment for Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and the any other conditions it has been used successfully to reat including other auto-immune disease, cancers, autism and HIV/AIDs.

At £12,500 per patient per year for Infliximab versus £300 per year for Low Dose Naltrexone, it is the proverbial 'no-brainer' for the NHS to do whatever it takes to convince consultants and GPs that LDN is a suitable drug choice for IBD.

The government and public bodies need to cease dithering on this and take action now so that IBD sufferers need not suffer unnecessarily.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Round-Up of LDN Now Low Dose Naltrexone Campaign at The Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee

Original video of the meeting here (Click link 01/12/2009 and fast forward 39 minutes to LDN Now meeting) -

youtube version -

Interview segment from Holyrood TV Highlights programme (Click link 03/12/2009 and fast forward to 16:00 minutes) -

Full transcript of the meeting -

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Minute from the LDN Now Scotland Scottish Parliament meeting on Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Availability on the NHS in Scotland

The first minute of the meeting is available here -

Some key quotes (Paraphrased)

Robin Harper, (Scottish Green Party) - Basis for clinical trial exists with current LDN evidence. Suggest GPs gather clinical data on LDN use.

Anne McLaughlin (SNP) - Committee needs to write to charities to ask if they will help fund trials.

Nigel Don (SNP) - LDN is a drug that treats the immune system drug and clinical trials are required for all conditions it can be shown to treat.

John Wilson (SNP) - Health charities should be encouraged to ensure they are spending money on researching all options for their patients, including LDN.

Frank McAveety (Labour) - The issue that the private sector will not fund trials due to no profit motive is clear and is noted.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Database - Update

If you are using, or have used Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), please take 2 minutes to enter or update your experience of the drug on the LDN Database web site - LDN Database .com

Thanks to John Donnelly of LDN Now Ireland for this great resource,

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) at The Scottish Parliament

LDN had what could be it's most public hearing yet at possibly the hightest political level too, at The Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee.
Video is available here -

Click the 01/12/2009 link and the LDN petition starts at around 40 minutes in.

Hopefully more to follow on the outcome of this committee's investigations into LDN and the NHS in Scotland.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Mike Lucas on Low Dose Naltrexone

Michael Moore's colleague Mike Lucas weighs on the Low Dose Naltrexone issue -

Why won’t the drug companies shell out cash for a promising drug that requires FDA approval?

Thursday, 17 September 2009

LDN Now Day is a Success Story

Last Saturday volunteers, patients and their friends were out on streets around the UK collecting signatures for the Number 10 Downing Street petition to encourage the UK NHS to fund trials of Low Dose Naltrexone so that every NHS patient has the option of Low Dose Naltrexone treatment on the NHS.

The day was a big success, around 3000 signatures have been collected, which when the site is updated will bring the total to around 7400 signatures.

As things stand at the moment, the petition is number 5 in the Health category and should move to 4 within the week.
In the overall list of all petitions it is number 24 and should be in the top 20 by the end of the week.

So, if you are a UK citizen and have yet to sign up, please do so now. If you have already signed up, please encourage at least 10 of your friends to sign up now and make this petition one that the UK Government cannot ignore.

The recent apology by Gordon Brown for Alan Turing's treatment shows that these petitions do count, so make your voice heard now. Save the NHS millions, if not billions, help improve millions of patents quality of life and health and let the government know that you will not let your health be dictated by the patent system and pharmaceutical companies profits.

Sign now -

Write to your MP about Low Dose Naltrexone -

Find out more -

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Mary Boyle Bradley LDN Radio Show

A Low Dose Naltrexone podcast -

Subscribe via iTunes

The latest episode focusses on an interview with Celia Danks of LDN Now who beat Cancer and IBS with Low Dose Naltrexone.

Friday, 31 July 2009

Petition - National Health Funding for Low Dose Naltrexone in Australia

http://www.gopetiti 28354.html

National Health Funding for Low Dose Naltrexone in Australia

Published by Trevor George Stephens
Date: Jun 06, 2009
Category: Health
Region: Australia
Target: Cancer sufferers MS sufferers and HIV+ persons
Web site: http://www.lowdosen altrexone. org

Monday, 27 July 2009

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) on The Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London, Friday July 22nd 2009

This Friday, 22nd of July between 11:00-12:00, Brian Lonsdale will be on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, London to focus attention on Low Dose Naltrexone and specifically, the Number 10 petition -

UK Government Petition for Low Dose Naltrexone Trial Funding

Trafalgar Square, Fourth Plinth Web Site

Milford Haven woman petitions government for LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) trials

Article from The Western Telegraph Newspaper

"Jayne Crocker and her partner Andrew Barnett are both prescribed low dose naltrexone (LDN). They say the generic drug has been used to successfully treat cancer, autoimmune systems and central nervous system disorders. "

(MS) Sufferer joins in battle for trials of 'wonder drug' (Low Dose Naltrexone)

Article from This Is South Wales web site -

The couple have created a petition to take their fight to 10 Downing Street, and have already gathered around 3,000 signatures.

Mr Barnett, who has secondary progressive MS, said: "We urge the Government to fund a trial of LDN on the NHS."

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Are Reduced by Low-Dose Naltrexone: A Pilot Study

"Results. Low-dose naltrexone reduced fibromyalgia symptoms in the entire cohort, with a greater than 30% reduction of symptoms over placebo. In addition, laboratory visits showed that mechanical and heat pain thresholds were improved by the drug. Side effects (including insomnia and vivid dreams) were rare, and described as minor and transient. Baseline erythrocyte sedimentation rate predicted over 80% of the variance in drug response. Individuals with higher sedimentation rates (indicating general inflammatory processes) had the greatest reduction of symptoms in response to low-dose naltrexone."

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Global Autoimmune Disease Therapeutics Market to Reach $50 Billion by 2015

So, no chance at all of the pharmaceutical industry promoting Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) it would seem.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Sunday, 21 June 2009

US Democrats Produce Draft Plan for Universal Health Insurance

This story documents what could be the start of a long, long journey for the US towards the sort of Universal Health Care Coverage that it's citizens need and deserve.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Immune Response Stimulating Drug Found to Reduce Prostate Tumour Size

Preliminary findings show that ' ipilimumab' shrinks prostrate tumours to operable size.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

New Yahoo! Group for Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Users who Have IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

A new Yahoo! Groups group which is specifically aimed at those who take, or are interested in taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), e.g. Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

A New Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Petition for Australia

http://www.gopetiti 28354.html

National Health Funding for Low Dose Naltrexone in Australia

Published by Trevor George Stephens
Date: Jun 06, 2009
Category: Health
Region: Australia
Target: Cancer sufferers MS sufferers and HIV+ persons
Web site: http://www.lowdosen altrexone. org/

Background (Preamble):

I was diagnosed as being HIV+ in 1987: I participated in the Ozone trial in
the Philippines in 1993 while practicing various alternative and natural
therapies and am 60 years of age in Sept. 2009 and am healthy and well.

I pursued further Ozone treatment in 1999 in Kenya with the scientist who
developed that particular method of delivery called Polyatomic Apheresis -
The late Basil Wainwright - and returned to Australia early 2000. I
discovered in that year a seeming decrease in my CD4 cells and a
concomitant decrease in my platelets so I went on medication then and
remained fairly steadily on it for some time - four years -with a couple of
intermittent breaks from it due to the development of small lumps in my
sides (abdominal area). In all of this time my cd4's have been only between
200 and 300: however, after being on LDN for some three months - from round
September 2008 - they showed the most significant increase I have seen
since the Ozone trial in 1993.....CD4' s were 350 and CD8's were 1096 with a
non detectable viral load.

I had a few weeks off around the Christmas and have now passed another
three/four month period taking 4.5 mg every night. My latest results at May
2009 are ... non detectable viral load and CD4 count of 293. The present
cost of this medication at the lower end of the scale is $100+.00 every
three months. I am receipt of a disability pension. I have an interest in
drawing official attention to this medication and having it listed on the
pharmaceutical benefits listings.

Please send this on to anyone within serious immune boosting concerns /
view the LDN site and sign the petition. Return this petition to me on the
20th January 2010 for review.

Click 'Tell' to send this petition on and you will assist in maintaining
its momentum and growth.

We petition the Australian government to make funds available for trials
and research for LDN to achieve a licence and public availability. This
medication must be added to the pharmaceuticals benefits listings.

We petition the Australian government to make funding available, either
directly through taxes or indirectly by directing research bodies to
provide funding, to undergo trials for the generic drug, Low Dose
Naltrexone (LDN).

Primarily this is to be done for Cancer since there lies the biggest
savings of life and economy, but then also for the many other diseases,
such as MS, Crohns disease, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, HIV/Aids
and many more.

Alternatively, the drug should be made available on the basis of it's
widespread use and the widespread positive reports of the many doctors
around the world who are currently using it. The evidence about this drug
has overtaken the trials process already and as such, we ask also that this
drug be made available as front line treatment, now. The research should
then be performed to confirm the drug and resolve the many unanswered
questions surrounding it.

To sumarise, we ask for the funding to be provided and the drug to be made
freely available to those who request it. The drug has been proven safe at
high dose usage so the safety trials are done, and we know of no drugs
which become unsafe at low dose when safe at high ones. In 25 years, the
drug industry has ignored this drug due to lack of return on investment, so
we believe that only government led intervention can break this scandalous
apathy. LDN now, save our sick, save our economy.

Please fund LDN Now!

To sign the petition:
http://www.gopetiti 28354.html

Crohn's Disease Put into Remission in Children with Supplemental Nutrition Alone

This article relates how researchers have used nutritional supplements developed by NASA to induce remission in children which is as effective as steroids without any of the side-effects.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

LOw-Dose Naltrexone for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

"An exciting thing about LDN is that it's inexpensive and already on the market. Anecdotal evidence so far is very promising, as is the first clinical trial for FMS."

Friday, 12 June 2009

Low Dose Naltrexone : The Next Miracle Drug?

by Michael D. Shaw, Exec VP, Interscan Corporation

"LDN is inexpensive with virtually no harmful side effects. However, since it is no longer a proprietary drug, the pace of rolling out clinical trials for the off-label effects described in this article will probably be slow, as will its acceptance by mainstream medicine. Still, there is nothing to prevent a patient from taking an FDA approved drug for an off-label indication, and this practice goes on all the time.

Certainly, there is much appeal in a naturally-acting immune modulator that is cheap and effective. We await the publication of further results."

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

UK Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) NHS Trial Petition Surpasses 2,500 Signatures

The petition on the UK Number 10 Government petition web site to request a Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) NHS-funded clinical trial
has now surpassed 2,500 signatures.

In order to be seriously considered by the UK government, this petition will need to reach 15,000 signatures by 23rd November this year.

If you are a UK citizen, or know one, please spread the word about this important petition.
If you have already signed it, please pass it on to anyone you know who can sign and please ask them to do the same.

The election of the BNP to the European Parliament demonstrates, albeit in an unpleasant way, how a small number of people can
instigate change - Please use your power to help this petition change the way that Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is used in the UK
National Health Service and help the millions of people who could benefit from access to this drug move a step closer to the 
opportunity to gain relief from their daily suffering.

Thank you.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

MS Patient Blog - Improvement Continuing Using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Julie Stachowiak, Ph.D., writing in her blog - She continues to show improvement in her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms due to treatment with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) -

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) on twitter

Follow Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) on twitter here -

Saturday, 30 May 2009

First European Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, February 2009

Below are 4 summary articles I posted on notes I took a the EU LDN Conference.
I've also included the raw notes I took for the whole conference. These are very rough but give a flavour of all of the sessions there and the information therein.

Viewing the conference videos is the best way to get the information from the conference -

NOTE - Below are raw notes, short, and uncorrected for spelling or sense. They are offered as is.

First  European Conference on LDN

Glasgow 25th April 2009

Glasgow University


Linda E..good LDN Research Trust

MS 20 yrs, LDN 5.5 yrs - apears totally symptom free today.

V limited mobility, cognitive issues in communicating, severe muscular problems.

Dec 2003 started LDN

Dramatic improvement in 3 weeks, fatgue, sight, bladder improved.

Set-up LDN R C as a charity, voluntary work, running costs paid,

22K raised towards clinical trial

Aim - Get LDN on NHS for everyone.

4200+ registered 

3000 in UK

90% have MS

Crohn's ME Parkinson's, Cancer and other conditions

US and other countries welcome to register

Current condition - Getting an infection/virus brings up MS symptoms (Some people say they don't get inf/vir on LDN).

Dr Bob Lawrence - introduced LDN to UK

Dr Tom Gillholly - aiming for trial in UK

LDN Research - Dr Tom Gilhooly, Essential Health Clinic, Glasgow

Published research and science research needed for GPs/ NHS

1/50th standard dose of 30 yr old drug with good safety record

Summary of research

Crohns, Human Study  - Penn State

TG 9/10 towards funding for first MS trial in UK

LDN - Patent protecton long gone - no pharma studies then.

Uni - Charity funding required

Hopefully government science funding in UK

Publication is required (Hence clinical use in clinic not used)

Institutional resistance - Charities are wary of LDN

Accredited Funding needed - only 1 MS one, not keen on LDN

3/4 mg is most research - not ideal - need to educate researchers

Short duration - 2/4 years needed for LDN, cancer for 5 - therefore more expensive, so need shorte cheaper studies with demonstrable 

Cancer , MS- Ian Zagon - 28 yrs, multiple studies in animals (244 publications)

1981 - nalexone and cancer in mice

Dr Bihari's became interested, lots of work but unpublished. Work on HIV was refused puiblication

IZ - Opiate growth factor increased by LDN

Seems to naturally inhibits tumour growth in animals

Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis - induced in animals an treated wtih LDN

MS Society of America has funded research into this which will be published soon

Sep 2008 Montreal World Congress MS - presented this there

High dose naltrexone worsens EAE and makes humans feel worse

Important to take once per day - short duration 

Human Studies

FM - Published last week.

1/4 million FM in UK alone

Stanford, 10 patient study

EHC, using LDN with FM for 6 months, much better than pervious treatment (80% improvement vs 20 with other approaches, nutrition etc)

Dosage very dependant. Study used 4.5 for all, TG - mostly 1 - 2 some people have trouble taking more than 1.

TG's proposed study 120 - largest ever.

Stanford 2010

Crohn's - most impressive result.

Prof Kill Smith, Penn State U

17 patients, 12 wk pilot - 4.5 mg (High) LDN

Close exam of bowel - 67% remission

89% response

TG - 3 patients , 2 with servere crohn's - both remission with 1mg quite quickly.

1 NHS patients with blody d and blood transfusion

remission for over a year (Stopped LDN as didn't like drugs but maintained remission)

IBS - Kariv, Tel Aviz  - 47 @ 0.5mg 76% improvement Reduction in pain free days

600 patients ouble blind randmoised

0..5 mg (Called PTI 901)

2 momnths mprovement, not after 3

Seems like too low a dose, so IBS not proven really.

Seifrabei et al AJAS 2008

Haematological  cancers

5 mth with 3mg

Sig imp in qualuty of life at 1 3 and 5 months follow up


Gironi et al Milan 2008

Clinical exp LDN is best MS treatment

40 primary progressive MS (Worst case) - 6 months

LDN safe - only 1 patient progressed

Significante reduction in spasticity

No major adverse effects in any study

Cree et al - Uni Cal SF

80 pts 8 week RCT 4.5 mg

MSQLI - sig imp

Pain, mental health, cognition


Numerous publications

Diverse medical conditions

Seems to be useful for many conditions involving the immune system


Dickson Chemist 

Home Delivery Pharmacy Services

J Stephen Dickson MRPharmS

0141 647 8032

Advice came from Pharamcy Prouction Unit at the Western

5 medic tyoes

Herbal - low reg

GSL - supermarket

P - pharmarcy

POM - presc only

CD - morpheine etc

MHRA regulated

MHRA license 

Nalorex (Naltrexone) - Only for treatment of addictiion, 25mg - 200mg

Therefore, with this use - company is responsible for any ill effects, not Dr or Pharmacist

So LDN is


Unlicensed indication an formulation

Responsibility is 50/50 Dr / Pharma

NHS will generally not pay (See later)

Legally, any pharmacy can prepare LDN ue to legislation which allows any sensible formulation asked for by Dr.

Sugar free, Vit C preservative, flavouring

Expiration - legally mandated but vague, therefore 28 days from date on bottle

Keep in fridge too - minimise bactereological contamination

Options - vial + syringe, filling tube/adaptor

Unit Dose Vial (UV) - one bottle pre dose - easier for ple with poor dexterity

3mg and 4.5mg caps

'Specials' regulations MHRA importing isssues etc.

v. expensive

people buying from US illegally, no Dr involved

labelled as 'vitamins' - illegal

MHRA audited Dickson - non GMP compliance was issue, warning issues and no longer imported from IRMAT.

No guidance anywhere though.

May 2009 - 2 suppliers of 30K caps per time, same price as US now

Invested 60K+ in services

now 100+ being invested

Donating 40p per prescription to fund research from May 2009

 > 200 UK Drs will prescribe LDN (30K GPs in UK)

Time of day to take doesn't matter

Naltrexone will pass on the NFS for payment

Burt -

Alpha-lipoics accide 600mg 2/week + 4.5mg LDN per day for end stage cancer patients - remission

Pan can meta liver 2003

78 mths later alive and no tumour visible

Lupus an Arthritis

v. goo results

Dermatomyositis 20 % de in 1st year

Skin problems barely able to work, severe pain

ALAN on other drugs, pain down to 1/5th, 5th of muscle issues - 3 mths later

12 mths out - normal

200 ;upus patients - great results, test scale figures down to virtually 0 or 0 in 6 months

Alpha Lipoic acid - a prescription drug in much of EU (In Germant particularly)

No prescription required in Germany (Anecdotal - Dusseldorf, oriental man)

ALA affects metabolism, young people have plenty, older people don't.

Need B Vit complex to deal with B Vit depeltion

PM -

Saving Lives - One person at a time - Joseph Wouk

google LDN

LDN Research Trust - most recommened web site

1 yr LDN - vast improvement. normal

Yahoo group for LDN

6000+ members

anecdotal = 'results not a part of an approved double-blind study" != "old wives tale"

patientslikeme forum

 - backe bt pharma

103- mill USD needed for FDA/MHRA appoval

re-patent propsal - pragmatic solution, work within current system so drygs can be re-approved for new uses.

Sent to for Obamha admin.

attempt to classify as 'Orphan drug' - Dr Gluck, Bihari and Wouk - website for petition to number 10 for UK trials - 1801 sigs so far.

The Prompise of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy : Potential Benefits...

Elaine A. Moore and Samantha Wilkinson

Reverse SEO? low in results for varous condisions other than LDN itself.

gets same positon in google as 1/20 of hits site.

Need more links to site from many more web sites - SEO

naprotechnology for fertitility

LN helps fertitility

LDN used in Ireland since 2004

endorphine deficiency a problem with PMS and mis-carriage and fertility

Study was done on PSM with 25mg a day

in Ireland 170 drugs which are prescribed outside of licensing, so what's different about ldn?

Peer convern amongst doctors?

nb 75% of the infliximab patients failed in Penn study who got 66% remission

'Yasmin survivors forum' - google this for LDN an mood/PMS

'Up the Creek wth a Pddle' - Maey Anne Boyle Bradley

edometreiosis is 1/2 level of normal fertility on endorphions

polycystic disease too related to lowendorphon levels

persistent brown menstrual bleeding


anxiety in ecessiss

Vit 3 deficiency a problem with fertility as is foo intolerence

LDN less effective with sterioud use

Menopause a big problem with PMS beforehand an low endorphons

Future for LDN - Tom G

Gps can prescribe off-license - consultants can't - hence concentrate on GPs

Mechanism - Reuction ion peroxynitrites - ONOOs - damage cell membranes, DNA an denzy,es

Measure nitrotyrosine - nitrated amino acid

Damage enzymes which produce energy from nutrition - hence fatigue of many auto immue dieases 

Measurable via LP

Decreases as immune system becomes reduced and symptoms better

First test ever in the world - not validated yet so can't be charged as yet.

> 10 nmol/l bad

Pre SPMS 8 years = 183 nmol/l

1mg 130

2mg 108

3mg 5








Cycluc neutropenia








Dr Ian Zagon coming 2010 conf

Pharmacist - Skip

Vitamin D and Omega 3 are key - don't be defieicnt

zinc too